Package fdda.propertyTypes.implementations

Contains implementations of the editors and generators of the property types which are included with FDDA.


Class Summary
BooleanEditor An Editor for boolean values - uses a check box.
BooleanGenerator Generator for boolean values.
DoubleEditor Uses a textfield to edit double values.
DoubleGenerator Generator for double values.
IntegerEditor Uses a textfield to edit an integer value.
IntegerGenerator Generator for Integer values.
NodeTypeEditor Editor for the type of nodes.
NodeTypeGenerator Generator for the node types.
StringEditor Editor for strings - uses a textfield.
StringGenerator Generator for string values.

Package fdda.propertyTypes.implementations Description

Contains implementations of the editors and generators of the property types which are included with FDDA.

API documentation for FDDA version 0.9. Generated on 17/02/2004 14:12.