
The implementation of the graphical model for the Java2D graphics system.


Interface Summary
Java2DComponentVisitor Extends the visitor interface for the components specific to the Java2d graphics.

Class Summary
Component Implementation of the component interface.
ComponentSelection Implementation of the selection interface as a Container subclass.
Container Implementation of the container interface.
GraphicalSystem Represents a graphical system - that means mostly nodes and lines.
GraphicalSystem.ComponentWrapper Wraps a component: adds an attribute ID, enables comparing of the components so the TreeSet can be used to store them.
GraphicalSystem.WrapperComparator Compares two ComponentWrappers by using their IDs.
Java2dFactory Implementation of the ComponentFactory for the Java2D graphics.
Line A line between two nodes.
LineSegment A LineSegment is a segment of a line, bordered either by a point or by a node.
Message Implementation of the message interface.
Node Implementation of the graphical representation of nodes for Java2D.
Painter Paints the graphical systems.
Point Represents a point on a line.

Package Description

The implementation of the graphical model for the Java2D graphics system. Adds intermediate points on the lines. Each Java2D component paints itself and calulates its shape for clipping.

API documentation for FDDA version 0.9. Generated on 17/02/2004 14:12.