Package fdda.dialog.java2d

Contains the implementation of the graphics control for the java2d component.


Interface Summary
GraphicHolder Defines the interface of the object holding the graphics of a project.
Manipulator Interface for the manipulators that use and change graphical components.

Class Summary
AbstractManipulator Abstract superclass of all manipulators.
Deleter Deletes a component (which may be Container, e.g. the selection).
Java2DControl Controls the graphics of the java2d component.
Java2DFactory Factory for the java2d and swing components.
Java2DMessageControl Message control implementation for the java2d component.
LineCreator Adds lines between nodes.
Mover Moves a component (may be a Container, e.g. the selection)
NodeCreator Adds nodes.
PointCreator Creates a point on a line.
Selector Selects movable components in a rectangle dragged open by the user.

Exception Summary
NoSuitableComponentException Exception that is thrown if a manipulater isn't used correctly.

Package fdda.dialog.java2d Description

Contains the implementation of the graphics control for the java2d component. The modelling operations are implemented with a use of the command pattern.
In a way, this is the main implementation package of the dialog component, since it also contains the factory class that returns the implementation (of the dialogs, too).

API documentation for FDDA version 0.9. Generated on 17/02/2004 14:12.