Package fdda.dialog.swing

The swing implementation of the dialog component.


Interface Summary
SwingGraphicsControl Small addition to the GraphicsControl interface.

Class Summary
AboutDialog The 'about' dialog
AlgorithmDialog The dialog where the user can select the alogrithm for a project.
ButtonBar The button bar shown for quick access to functions that are used often.
FrameControlProxy A frame containing a graphical system.
MainFrame This is the main window of fdda.
MenuBar Contains the menu bar of fdda.
OptionsDialog The options dialog.
StatisticsDialog Non-modal dialog that shows statistics about the last demonstration of a project.
SystemFrame An internal frame that contains a graphical system.
WindowManager Manages the internal frames and the window menu

Package fdda.dialog.swing Description

The swing implementation of the dialog component. Contains all frames and other dialog classes. The property editor is in a subpackage. The control of the graphical operations is in an extra package, fdda.dialog.java2d.

API documentation for FDDA version 0.9. Generated on 17/02/2004 14:12.